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- Sku: G-G008
Trash Stash Game
$25.99 USD
Trash Stash game for speech therapy ~ comes with a FREE speech therapy companion! Have fun putting trash in the trash truck - until he gets too full and spits it all out! Includes a fun, colorful 24-piece puzzle.
Quick therapy tip: I mean, this game has opportunities for core words galore!! IN/OUT, UP/DOWN, MORE, AGAIN - and even more I'm sure!
I'm an SLP: Each game comes with a FREE list of articulation and language targets related to the specific product. We strive to make planning easy!
I'm a PARENT: Each game comes with FREE easy-to-implement strategies and ideas to help you use each product thoughtfully with your child!
All of our products are hand-picked by practicing pediatric speech-language pathologists!
Our games can easily be incorporated into themed and play-based speech therapy!

Trash Stash Game
$25.99 USD