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Smelly Socks Game
$13.99 USD
This Smelly Socks game comes with a FREE speech therapy companion with tons of extra extension activities to continue your fun!
Smelly Socks is a fun and simple matching game for children aged 2-6, where players turn over sock cards to find matching patterned socks for their monsters. The quirky monster characters are bound to get children giggling. There are two ways to play this colorful game, as both a simple matching pairs game for younger players and a more challenging memory game as children progress. There's lots to see in this colorful game, from the quirky monster characters to the brightly colored socks! Perfect for children aged 2-6 and 2-4 players.
I'm an SLP: Each game comes with a FREE list of articulation and language targets related to the specific product. We strive to make planning easy!
I'm a PARENT: Each game comes with FREE easy-to-implement strategies and ideas to help you use each product thoughtfully with your child!
All of our products are hand-picked by practicing pediatric speech-language pathologists!
Our games can easily be incorporated into themed and play-based speech therapy!

Smelly Socks Game
$13.99 USD