Top Articulation Products for Speech Therapy

Top Articulation Products for Speech Therapy

Year after year, I find a few speech therapy materials that I find myself pulling out again and again! Getting high numbers of trials for articulation/phonology goals is critical, and these products have made this easy. I'm sure we all know how boring getting multiple trials can be, so I keep these products around to increase engagement and keep things fun!

1. Dice Poppers - When the die falls on the floor for the 7th time that session, it makes me close my eyes and take some deep breaths. Not only because it's a pet peeve of mine, but because we are missing valuable time for practice! Solve that problem with these resilient dice poppers. 

2. Ten Frame Poppers - Want to get 10 trials for each word or phrase? This keeps kids on track! Plus, I pull out these little guys when I see a student needing a fidget.

3. Abacus - Hear me out...I know this looks like an old school toy but it is GREAT for working on many sounds. I use this tool for my kids working on producing final consonants (put a sound cue card or letter at the end!). Or for those kids working on decreasing stopping - add an /s/ or "SH" to the beginning and practice sliding the sound to the end!

4. HUNDRED Popper - AND FAVORITE tool of all - this rainbow hundred popper! It's so easy for kids to get 10 trials in at a time "say your sound/word/phrase for the red row". And they all know that 100 is our goal every time! 

Have fun getting as many trials as possible in your artic groups! And I promise your students will LOVE these hands-on tools!

P.S. - Did you know... many of our play-based products come with a therapy cheat sheet for SLPs! We create individualized cheat sheets for each product with target core words, verbs, and descriptors to embed into play. Also included are articulation targets for all speech sounds to help you narrow down some targets for your articulation clients! Many of our newest products also come with sentence frames and other extras. HAVE FUN IN THERAPY!