monster snack container eating a picture of ice cream

Using the Feed the Monster Toy in Speech Therapy!

monster snack container with speech therapy activities around him

One of my absolute FAVORITE additions to my speech therapy closet has been this Feed the Monster toy who makes a DAILYĀ appearance in my speech therapy sessions!

Keep reading for ideas for using this cute monster ā¤µļø

1. Requesting & Protesting

Requesting is one of the easiest ways to use this feed the monster toy in speech therapy! What does he want? What doesn't he like? As the SLP / parent, modelĀ protestingĀ or requesting as the monster: "I want a GREEN food!" or "I DON'T want the spicy food." Use the foods from this picnic basket set or mini fridge to feed the monster!

monster snack container eating mini food toys

2. Speech Sound Targets

Use this Feed the Monster toy with your articulation speech sessions! When you order this toy from our shop, you get a FREE companion with target words for most speech sounds. We found food names for the target sounds/positions plus included some "silly" things to feed the monster!

monster snack container eating paper artic targets

3. Grammar Goals

Use our FREE companion (when you purchase the Feed the Monster toyĀ from our speech shop!) to work on grammar goals and sentence expression! Like this "monster shopping" activity: use subject-verb agreement, pronouns, descriptive concepts, or wh-questions as you talk about what each monster bought at the grocery store! But look out! The monster toy might snack on theseĀ groceries!!

monster snack container with speech therapy activities around him

4. Describing & Inferencing

If you have younger students with language goals on your caseload, I'm SURE you have some with describing goals! This included activity includes foods that differ by taste, category, & shape! Making it easy to work on these skills in the context of play with this Feed the Monster toy in speech.

food images sorted by attribute

5. Core Words, Categories, & Negation!

Use mini objects or this adapted book to work on all of these skillsĀ in one activity! Help feed the monster toy while teaching these concepts:

  • Categories: "NO, that's not for eating! That is a BUG!"
  • Negation: "DON'T eat the shark!" or "That's NOT a food!
  • Core Words:Ā EAT, MORE, LIKE, GIVE
monster snack container with adapted book

Feed the Monster Toy His Favorite Foods Below!

image of author

Heidi is a pediatric speech-language pathologistĀ with a passion for play-based therapy! She is the founder of Speech Cube, a subscription box for theme-loving SLPs, and the new owner ofĀ My Speech Shop where she can live her dream of owning a toy store with the BEST toys for speech-language development.